Sunday, February 12, 2012

America Decides.

Yes, it is true America the Beautiful, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave gets to decide very soon, who will lead us for the next four years. WHAT WILL YOU DECIDE???

I am convinced that America is at and is coming to a major crossroads, when it comes to our standard of living. We have permitted all types of unrighteousness and abominations to enter into our government, our work places, our schools, our churches and our homes. All of these things in a nation that has been a Christian nation, and now there is a debate over if we are a Christian nation or not. I know if left up to our current President, we will not be. But as for me and my household we will serve the Lord.
In the past few years our faith in God, has been challenged, sometimes to the point that some are not sure anymore. The wicked ways of man today are flooding our airways and Internet systems so rapidly, and we are calling, wrong things right and right things wrong. There is so much that it is creeping into our churches and places of worship. We must surely be living in the End Times.
We must have reached the time that the Apostle Paul was writing of as he wrote in II Timothy 3: 1-5. He said in the last days we will have perilous times, or troublesome times. Read these verses. When we survey the church scene it would appear many fit in verse 5, (these words) Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. we as Christians are being ask by religious leaders to accept the unrighteous ways of man into our churches, and call it OK.
I am sorry but that is wrong and does not please our God. All over America someone or some group is rising up to plead their cause, for unrighteousness and sinful ways. But I ask you, where are all the Christians gone? Why don't we stand up for Jesus? Like the old hymn reminds us to do. All at once Christianity is becoming a word that very few wish to talk about. remember to be a Christian means to be Christ like. That's why they were first called Christians at Antioch, because they followed Jesus Christ. Can America, and will America stand up for Jesus, in our homes, churches and so on or will we fall to the ways of Satan?
The main change we need for America is to see the fulfillment of II Chronicles 7:14. If my people will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and will turn from their wicked ways. My friend we need to call on God with our whole heart and ask Him for forgiveness, so that we can stand tall for Him in this evil day.
I know God has Blessings for His people, but we must stand brave and true for Him and let the world know that we are Christians and we are not ashamed of the gospel. Romans 1:16. In closing I believe God is calling His people to a greater awareness of Him, and a closer walk with Him.

Righteousness Exalteth a Nation

Righteousness Exalteth a Nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. (Proverbs 14:34).
The word righteousness is defined as, just upright, honorable and Godly. Therefore it becomes an attribute of God. It describes His very nature. for our God, the God of the universe is no less than perfect, just upright and holy. It is His desire that all of his creation become like Him.
However many nations and people down through time have fallen victim to sin, the very thing that is a reproach to God. It is because of sin and disobedience that has brought us to were we are today as a nation.
As a nation founded on Godly principles, we once stood for righteousness and the things that bring glory to God. But time has eroded the very core of our belief system. At one time in America, it was shouted from the housetops and from the churches, that God is real and in Him all things are possible.
But now we are to busy with self, and the church is too concerned with pleasing the community that we have forgotten God and His ways. We have forgotten to please our very creator. when man looks to himself for direction and understanding, we fail every time. It is only in the firm hands of God that we are secure and safe.
America as a nation in the last few years has taken our eyes off of God and His ways, and as a result we are suffering for it. these actions are the results of our current leadership of who many times do not even believe in God. I say this because Jesus said, "You shall know a tree by the fruit it bears. Our current President speaks Christianity with his mouth but his actions do not reveal the same.
God has spoken in His Word concerning His people, that this people serve me with their mouth but their heart is far from me. Such is the case of our leadership in the government, and in many of our churches today.
I don't know about you, but first of all I love God with all my might and secondly I love America, one of the greatest nations that God has ever permitted to exist. At one time we worshiped our God with our whole heart, but now we are considered crazy or off the wall if we name the name of the Lord. America is in need of a revival that will sweep through our churches and the hearts of men and women everywhere, bringing Holy Spirit conviction to our hearts and causing repentance for our actions.
Yes, it would be the same thing God spoke to Solomon in II Chronicles 7:14. It is the only answer for America. Our hope is not in our leadership, but in trusting in God. We seem to have forgotten that God and God alone is the creator of all things, including jobs and everything we have need of. When sin is permitted to reign in the hearts and lives of people, then righteousness is put on the back burner and soon it is not of much importance.
Such is the case of our great nation as a whole, we have simply put God and His Righteousness, to the side so we can be politically correct. When will we as Christians learn to remember God's divine law principles, that what we sow we will reap. If we continue to sow unto unrighteous actions, then that is what America will reap a harvest of.
How then, do we turn things around and begin to seek God and His Righteousness? I believe it is very simple. First, we as Christians must begin to pray and seek the face of God, for our nation, our families and everyone around us. Also we must ask God to give us Pastors after His heart that will not be afraid to preach against sin. Those who will stand for Righteousness not paychecks.
We must begin to seek God with all of our hearts and trust Him to help make a difference in America as the Light of the World.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

By now everyone has finished their celebrations for New Years, have made their resolutions for the coming year, and are returning to work or the normal way of life. We say Happy New Year, but I am concerned as to if it will be a Happy New Year.
What can we look forward to in America? I know we will see one of two things take place. We will get a new President or a repeat of the old one. Personally I want to see a new one. Our current President does not and cannot have the interest of America and the American people in the forefront. He has proven that.
It is time for we Americans to stand up for our Faith in the one true God of the heavens, and not to be silenced. It is time for us to blow the trumpet of truth and sound the alarm, that Jesus is soon to return. Joel 2: 1-2. we as Christians are not interested in another god or another religion, but in serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who will one day rule the world in Righteousness.
If ever there was a time for born again believers in Christ (Christians) to come together, and stand for the truth of God's Word, it's today. I know we are living in the Last Days and the Return of Jesus is near. we will no doubt see more and more troubles and unrest for 2012. I for one would like to see America as a whole, turn back to God as we fall on our knees in Repentance. However it seems unrighteousness is prevailing at this present time. If America will hold to God's unchanging hand, then no matter what comes for the year God will keep us.
Will you stand for Righteousness in 2012?
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. (Psalms 9:17).

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Honor the King.

All over America the majority of people take time at this time of the year, to celebrate what they call the Birth of Christ. While it is true Jesus was born to become the Savior of the World, and the King of Kings, there is no place in the Bible that Jesus ever told us or commanded us to honor His birth. However His word tells us to honor His death, I Corinthians 11:23-29. there are many who celebrate the holiday known as Christmas, and know not what they celebrate. Jesus did not come as a baby to give us a holiday to eat, drink and be merry, but to become the sacrifice for sin, to save this world from our unrighteousness. His very words in St Matthew 24: 36-39, reminds us of the results of eating and drinking, such as takes place at Christmas. How do we find any honor of the King in Christmas trees, Santa Claus and in parties? About the only part of Christmas that takes place correctly is in giving of gifts, and that is not done correctly. The Bible reminds us to give to God one tenth and to present our bodies a living sacrifice. Romans 12:1. So this year as you celebrate Christmas think of who you are honoring. Is it King Jesus or is it self?
Yes it is okay to remember the Birth of Christ, but not to follow all the traditions of the world. Let us remember why He came to this earth, and may we live our lives as an example of His Love for this world. I encourage each reader to do a study on your computer on the origin of Christmas. You may be surprised.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Only in America

We still live in America the land of the free, and yes one of the greatest nations of the world. However our freedoms are quickly being taken away from us . we seem to sit back and ignore the fact that every day someone stands up to stop our freedoms, that we have held since the beginning of our nation.
Yes this week another business in Florida has taken the stand to dismiss an employee, for wearing a lapel pin of our Nations flag. Our flag stands for freedom, however we are not free to display our own flag in the work place.
I ask you where is the freedom in that? remember this is the second employee dismissed for the flag pin. Apparently these employers agree with our president, that our flag is not correct!
I still stand for the red, white and blue How about you?

Thursday, September 8, 2011


We the people of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, have been blessed with God's Blessings in the past. We have been blessed to worship God our creator and enjoy all the Freedoms of this nation.
As this nation was beginning, we were given a flag as a symbol of our Freedom, and most of us are happy to fly it over our homes and businesses. We are proud to salute it at all types of events, as a reminder of our Freedoms.
But did you know that the President and First lady have not, do not, and will not salute our American Flag, calling it a symbol of oppression. They have even attended flag burning ceremonies. The President even refers to our National Anthem, as a war like message, and does not stand at attention when it is sung in his presence. (According to Meet the Press).
The American Flag is a symbol of the Freedoms God has given to us, and should be displayed on Sunday September the 11th, as we remember all who lost their lives on that day. when we look at our Flag, may it remind us we are still free.